Mickey Waring



Intro to Gouache

Learn the basic techniques of painting with gouache.  This workshop will focus on using gouache on an acrylic overlay or toned paper.

February 7, February 21
Arts Council of Princeton
102 Witherspoon Street
Princeton, NJ 08542


Pochoir Printmaking

Pochoir is a method of  off the press printmaking using stencils.  Many well known 20th Century artists such as Van Dongen, Matisse and Picasso used this technique to reproduce their favorite pieces of art.

Using a selection of handmade and purchased stencils, create a series of original pochoir prints.

February 28, March 6
Arts Council of Princeton
102 Witherspoon Street
Princeton, NJ 08542


Artist Books

Create a handmade, art-filled book based on a theme or event in your life using mixed media— painting, drawing, photos, collage, sewing, text, poetry, writing and more.  Books can be of a reflective, whimsical, dramatic or celebratory nature.

March 13, March 20
Arts Council of Princeton
102 Witherspoon Street
Princeton, NJ 08542